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You´re always welcome to send us a message if you have any questions regarding orders, booking, and promotion.
Please note it´s possible to order other releases than we have in our webshop. Regarding shipping and prices, please read the shipping prices page.

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    Pick Up

    It’s always possible to make an appointment and drop by the Braincorp. office and buy/pick up CDs / Vinyls by sending an email to brian@braincorp.dk or a text message (SMS) to +45 28142304. Please note it’s possible to use Visa Dankort, Mastercard at the Braincorp. office.

    Find Us

    Lille Farimagsgade 6, 1.
    2100 Copenhagen Ø
    Email: brian@braincorp.dk
    Phone: +45 28142304
    CVR / VAT No. 28226470

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