Den Sorte Død – Hemmeligheden Bag Den Sorte Slanges Konstellation
Label: Crying Cosmos (2025)
First came Undergangen, a trilogy consisting of the eponymous Undergangen (The Downfall), Den Sorte Død (The Black Death) and Depressiv Magi (Depressive Magic). Three albums dedicated to decaying worlds and fraying minds. And to the all-consuming grief of earthly existence. Limited to 200 copies on Black Vinyl. Thanks to the label Crying Cosmos that We can have the Vinyl exclusive at our Webshop.
1. Vemodets Linda
2. Hemmeligheden bag Den Sorte Slanges Konstellation
3. Karmisk Vansinne
4. Det Underkastede Udsyn
5. Kosmisk Tomhed
6. Verdensrummets Lidelse
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Format | 2CD, Double-vinyl |