Torul – Teniversia

Label: Infacted Recordings (2019)
TENIVERSIA is the title of the new 2CD retrospective  compilation of Slovenia based indie pop artist TORUL. But TENIVERSIA is way more than a usual BEST OF collection.



TENIVERSIA is the title of the new 2CD retrospective  compilation of Slovenia based indie pop artist TORUL. But TENIVERSIA is way more than a usual BEST OF collection. All 18 hit songs of the album have been totally rerecorded, which makes them all new! Besides the 18 well known hits in new garment, the album also features two brand new songs including the just released new single Best Moments. 20 songs on two CDs make TENIVERSIA the ultimate collectors item for all TORUL fans, but also a massive boarding drug for all fans of high class electro-/indie-pop.

Disc 1
1. The Sun!
2. The Sooner The Better
3. Lonely Night
4. The Fall
5. All Over Again
6. Try
7. Saviour Of Love
8. Ausverkauft
9. Best M0ments
10. If It’s Dark Enough

Disc 2
1. Halloween
2. Monday
3. Hearts
4. Show Me Your City
5. You And Me
6. In Whole
7. If You So Wish
8. The Silence Of A Dead Tree
9. Elegy
10. All

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2CD, Double-vinyl

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